Aug 31, 2015
Melanie Procter is one of the original raw food chefs from the1990s, and the owner and Founder of Phuket Cleanse. Melanie's cleansing centre is rated by TripAdvisor as Thailand's leading health retreat and she has some interesting ideas to share with our listeners such as Bio-Hacking and Workout-gasms. Her...
Aug 25, 2015
Holistic Success Coach, Best Selling Author Nicole van Hattem shares the 10 reasons to drink your green smoothies every day, how it can help you to lose weight any gain energy, along with the tips on how to make them taste great! An episode worth tuning in to and sharing!
Aug 18, 2015
Taking early retirement in 1998, Cath and her husband went to live in Spain, where they enjoyed an idyllic existence until her life was shattered by the diagnosis of breast cancer in 2007. The experiences she encountered on her journey through cancer inspired her to write her memoirs and design a self-help health book...
Aug 11, 2015
Holistic Success Coach, Best Selling Author, Host of Hot & Healthy, Nicole van Hattem walks us through how to identify and hunt out the Top 10 Food Additives to Avoid and why. Along with tips on how you can easily upgrade your food choices and influence change in the food system.
Aug 2, 2015
Enza Lyons shares her insights as a parent, grandparent, licensed Brain Gym trainer, learning and behaviour specialist in child development. With other 23 years of experience, she has taught parents and educators how to assist their children and students to perform better at school, get along better at home, and form...